State of the market

If you read our post last night you know that we are not very bullish here.

We bounced in the areas we cited but yields continue to press higher. This is not a friendly environment for swing trading unless setting up short.

As we have mentioned, we are not going to add single stock short ideas to our portfolio. It’s not something we feel comfortable with, but we did add a few hypothetical examples that look decent to our spreadsheet. We will only short ETF’s/indexes, and in our opinion that ship has sailed, as we are into zones that could produce a bounce. If we do get a bounce to higher levels, that would improve the risk/reward, and thus, may add a few.

The extreme nature of this move is getting a bit too easy to short and usually when we see a snap back.

Below we will give a few examples of ideas that we are tracking for tactical trading.

Remember, our discount window for the idea tier ends today.

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